Pass the Homegrown Peas Please

I have vivid memories of my grandmother shelling peas for dinner. It is unlikely that many children today would have ever seen such a thing.

It is lovely to shell peas with children. They enjoy the smell and the sweetness of fresh garden peas. It is so much fun to pop open the pod and scoop out all these perfect little green beads.

Even as an adult it is difficult not to be charmed and amazed by how perfect nature packages its produce.

Jamie Oliver suggests that you can throw peas and Parmesan cheese in with tagliatelle for a simple and splendid dinner.

Peas go well with ham and bacon as well as eggs. In the herb family peas enjoy the company of mint, parsley and sage.

My favourite way to eat peas is as a side dish to a roast chicken dinner. Even thinking about that makes me hungry! Enjoy popping your peas.

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